Szervezetfejlesztés a Czinka Panna Roma Kulturális Egyesület munkavállalóiért
2014.04.01.Holokauszt 70 – Holokauszt Emlékév 2014
Organisational development for the employees of the Czinka Panna Roma Cultural Association
TÁMOP-2.4.5-12/7-2012-0553 | 2014.04.01. – 2014.12.31.
Within the framework of this project, the labor development of the Association has been implemented, which allowed it to apply flexible forms of employment. For example, teleworking and flexible working hours. These are very important because the projects, by their nature, require flexible employment.
Results: The establishment of administrative and material conditions for flexible employment has taken place, and 4 employees were employed in a flexible form of employment.
Financial envelope: 10 893 761, -Ft
Project duration: 2014.04.01. – 2014.12.31.