Munkaerő-piaci program a hátrányos helyzetű munkavállalók integrációjáért
2013.11.01.„Czinka Panna a fiatal pályakezdőkért” – A Czinka Panna Roma Kulturális Egyesület foglalkoztatási kapacitásának erősítése
„Czinka Panna for the young career entrants” – Strengthening the employment capacity of the Czinka Panna Roma Cultural Association
TÁMOP-1.4.1-12/1-2013-0481 | 2014.02.01. – 2015.06.30.
With this program, the Association wanted to increase its employment capacity by training and employing 6 young people. 4 of the young people involved were university graduates while 2 had highschool diplomas. The Association provided different training courses for them, which were necessary for their work and could serve the development of the organization and the preparation, writing and implementation of new projects.
Results: The young people involved in the program successfully completed the training. They improved the activities of the association with several independent ideas and programs. After the completion of the program, 4 left to work with other employers, but 2 remained at the Association and they are still in employment.
Financial envelope: 29 967 222,- Ft
Project duration: 2014.02.01. – 2015.06.30.