The Czinka Panna Roma Cultural Association is a national, interest representation, interest protection and cultural social organization.
The main objectives of the organization include promoting Roma culture in Hungary, assisting disadvantaged Roma people, finding and supporting Roma talents, promoting Roma heritage, helping young Roma people with disadvantage in education, and promoting the social and labor market integration of Roma in Hungary.
The Association is a member of the Roma Coordination Council and the Human Rights Round Table of the Ministry of Justice (Thematic Working Group of Roma Affairs), and the Cooperating Partner of the Ministry of Human Resources.
The Czinka Panna Roma Cultural Association was founded in the summer of 2005 with the aim of promoting the social integration of the Roma in Hungary, primarily through the presentation of their cultural values. The founders were mainly involved in the promotion of traditionalism and the organization of talent research and cultural events, but decided to create an organization that is constantly evolving and expanding its range of activities.
László Jakus has served as chairman since 2012, and the Association now acts as an interest representation, interest protection and cultural social organization. The main objectives of the organization include promoting Roma culture in Hungary, assisting disadvantaged Roma people, finding and supporting Roma talents, promoting Roma heritage, and helping young Roma people with disadvantage in education.
The Czinka Panna Roma Cultural Association has an extensive experience in dealing with Roma organizations, and considers it as an important objective to establish a network of Roma organizations, to assist Roma communities and organizations, while generating cooperation.
The Association has been applying for European Union funds since 2010, and since then, the organization has grown enormously in its territorial coverage and in its activities. With the implementation of projects in the fields of education, employment, health, environmental protection, advocacy projects and the implementation of alternative Roma integration programs, many disadvantaged people (including the Roma) were helped in several counties and settlements in the country.
The organization has accumulated an enormous professional potential through the collaboration with professionals working on the projects, and has a very large and deep social embeddedness through the cooperation of local governments, local government and state institutions, bodies, NGOs, volunteers and its membership.
In 2007, the Association received the Győr City for Minorities Prize, and the then president of the organization (Piroska Bogdán) received the Prize for Minorities Award in 2011 from the Prime Minister.
The Czinka Panna Roma Cultural Association is a member of the Roma Coordination Council and the Human Rights Roundtable of the Ministry of Justice, Thematic Working Group of Roma Affairs.
If you have any questions about our Association, please see us at any of our contacts.
Also keep in mind the Association’s facebook page https://www.facebook.com/CzinkaPannaRKE