„Család, az életünk színtere” Védőháló a Mosonmagyaróvári járás hátrányos helyzetű családjaiért
2017.03.01.Mohorai Rácz Aladár Tanoda Nyitórendezvény
„Family, the scene of our life” Safety net for disadvantaged families in the Mosonmagyaróvár district
EFOP-1.2.9-17-2017-00101 | 2017.03.01.- 2019.02.28.
In March 2017, the Association started to implement a European Union project (EFOP-1.2.1-15-2016-00679). Its primary objective, as its name implies, is to help the disadvantaged families of the Mosonmagyaróvár district. The program elements planned for the two-year implementation period are all designed to contribute to the management of crisis situations in families and the resolution of their problems.
Prevention is the most effective way of avoiding a disadvantaged situation: strengthening the family, which is the most elementary component of the social safety net. Depending on the life cycle, many factors can endanger the harmony of home living: family crises, the loosening of family as the basic unit of society, the vacancy of the institution of marriage, and even the lack of children can damage the unity of family in the long run. Protecting the unity of families is an important and complex task: addressing the situation of families in crisis, restoring security, the protection of families without problems is essential as well.
From 1 March 2017 to 28 February 2019, the project will attempt to address these problems in all of its activities. The professional content of the project has been developed with the help of experts and asking the target group. The activities are built on each other, and as a complex system of services, meet the needs of the target group as well as the policy objectives.
In addition to the employment of a professional staff with relevant experience, the project, which is supported with 40 million HUF by the European Union, includes the employment of competent and prepared family planning, child-rearing and conflict management consultants, the family mentor who has daily contact with families, three regular clubs (Generations Club, Healthy Lifestyle Club, Volunteer Club), two – also continuous – group work (Household Tricks, Parenting Questions). In addition, a Conference and Professional Day will be organized, where the exchange of experience and the sharing of good practices can take place in addition to the dissemination, thus ensuring further professional development for the professionals working in the social field.
We organize family days for families to spend their leisure time together.
More information about the project can be found at www.movarcsek.hu and on the project’s social site: https://www.facebook.com/movarcsek/
Financial envelope: 40 000 000,- Ft
Project duration: 2017.03.01.- 2019.02.28.