Christmas Starlight Event
2012.12.18.Munkaerő-piaci kapacitás fejlesztés és erősítés a Czinka Panna Roma Kulturális Egyesületnél
The development and strengthening of labor market capacity at the Czinka Panna Roma Cultural Association
TÁMOP-2.6.2-12/1-2012-0255 | 2013.04.01.- 2014.03.31.
Czinka Panna Roma Cultural Association, as you can see, has been constantly evolving, looking for opportunities that serve its own development and serve the quality of services provided to the Roma. The aim of this project is to prepare the Association for providing labor market services. Within the framework of the project,two services were selected and prepared for provision. In addition, the organization’s development has been achieved by updating the documentation of the entire organization and introducing a quality management system.
The results: Preparation for the provision of 2 labor market services, introduction of a quality management system
Financial envelope: 8 000 000,- Ft
Project duration: 2013.04.01.- 2014.03.31.