Piroska Bogdán receives the Minorities Award
2011.12.16.A győri kistérség integrált szolgáltatásokat nyújtó Családi Erőforrás Központja
The Family Resource Center, providing integrated services in the Győr Sub-Region
TÁMOP-5.5.1.B-11/2-2011-0237 | 2012.06.01. - 2014.01.31.
The Czinka Panna Roma Cultural Association has implemented this project as the main bidder, in consortium with the Civil Forrás Alapítvány (Civil Source Foundation).
The general objectives of this project, which was implemented between 1 June 2012 and 31 January 2014, included the improvement of social relations with family and childbirth, the prevention of negative family life-related occurrences, the development of local communities, and supporting the reconciliation in family life and employment. In connection with these objectives, the Sub Region Family Resource Center (Kistérségi Családi Erőforrás Központ) was founded, which was waiting for those interested in family life counseling, interactive workshops and club activities. More than 600 people participated in the group sessions and consultations, and 3 before non-existent communities were created.
During the implementation of the project, 8 family days were organized by the Association in the Győr sub-region, where Roma attendees were invited, in order to help the promotion of Roma culture.
The results: 3 new communities created, 624 participants attending workshops and consultations, 13 events.
Financial envelope: 49.729.000.- Ft
Project Duration: 2012.06.01. – 2014.01.31.