VIII. Czinka Panna Roma Kultúrest
2012.07.01.Establishing the Volunteer Point and Services of the Mosonmagyaróvár sub-region
VIII. Czinka Panna Roma Culture Event
The VIII. Czinka Panna Roma Culture Evening was held on July 1, 2012 at the Víziszinpad. The event was opened by Dr. Imre Szakács, Chairman of the Győr-Moson-Sopron County General Assembly and Dr. Tivadar Somogyi, deputy mayor of Győr County town.
This year we invited Zoltán Mága to our Cultural Evening, who brought his own band and 4 singers from the Operetta Theater. As a surprise guest, Károly Nyári and the Nyári twins also came to the event and raised its quality. Zoltán Mága played Roma and non-Roma themed music.
The event was in good spirits, the audience and the performers agreed that the organization was flawless and the show itself was of a very high standard. The nearly 2.5 hour long VIII. The Czinka Panna Roma Culture Evenign was attended by nearly 2,000 people, so it can be said that the Association managed to organise an event worthy of the Győr Summer Program series.