Romaügyi Munkacsoport ülés Bagamér
2017.05.12.Roma Holokauszt Megemlékezés – Bük
Roma Workgroup meeting Bagamér
On May 12, 2017, the Roma Workgroup of the Ministry of Justice’s Human Rights Roundtable held a meeting in Bagamér, Hajdú-Bihar County, headed by Katalin Langerné Victor, Deputy State Secretary for Social Inclusion at EMMI.
The Czinka Panna Roma Cultural Association participated in the meeting as a member of the workgroup. Among other things, we discussed the experiences of domestic programs aimed at preventing early school leaving of Roma girls, as well as the workgroup received information on the new EU grant the “BARI SHEJ – NAGYLÁNY – FÁTĂ MÁRÉ”.
Then, the host, the Roma Láng Association was introduced in the interpretation of President Tímea Oláhné Balogh. After the workgroup meeting, the staff of the Kölcsey’s Tanoda from the neighbouring village of Álmosd, gave a small taste of Roma culture.