Romaügyekért Felelős Tematikus Munkacsoport ülés | Hajdúdorog
2017.03.10.230 hátrányos helyzetű gyermek vehetett részt Caramel koncertjén
Roma Workgroup Hajdúdorog
On March 10, 2017, the Roma Workgroup of the Ministry of Justice’s Human Rights Roundtable held a meeting, headed by Katalin Langerné Victor, Deputy State Secretary for Social Inclusion at EMMI.
At the meeting, as part of the workgroup, the Czinka Panna Roma Cultural Association, the Roma Láng Association, and the For Gypsies Social and Cultural Association represented the Roma people and NGOs. During the meeting, we discussed, among other things, the experiences of the disband of the Roma settlement, and we were informed about the Complex Settlement Program to be announced.
During the workgroup break, we visited the Gypsy settlement of Hajdúgorog, so the representatives of the ministries and the NGOs could personally see the size of the problem…