2014.08.01.The organization of a Roma network in the Westerns Trandanubia regionNCTA-2014-8425-C | 2014.08.01. - 2016.03.31.
2014.04.01.Organisational development for the employees of the Czinka Panna Roma Cultural AssociationTÁMOP-2.4.5-12/7-2012-0553 | 2014.04.01. – 2014.12.31.
2014.02.01.„Czinka Panna for the young career entrants” – Strengthening the employment capacity of the Czinka Panna Roma Cultural AssociationTÁMOP-1.4.1-12/1-2013-0481 | 2014.02.01. – 2015.06.30.
2013.11.01.Labor market program for the inclusion of disadvantaged workersTÁMOP-1.4.1-11/1-2012-0020 | 2013.11.01. – 2015.06.30.
2013.09.01.„Czinka Panna for a livable future”- Opinion shaping with sustainability themed Green Stands in the Győr-Moson-Sopron county settlement eventsKEOP 6.1.0/B-11-2011-0130 | 2013.09.01. – 2014.08.31.
2013.09.01.Czinka Panna for the Roma of Győr-ÚjvárosTÁMOP-6.1.2-11/1-2012-1184 | 2013.09.01. - 2014.08.30.
2013.06.01.The creation and operation of the “Új esély” and Czinka Panna Tanoda in Gyömöre.TÁMOP-3.3.9.A-12/2-2012-0065 / TÁMOP-3.3.9.A-12/2-2012-0069 | 2013.06.01. – 2015.02.28.
2013.04.01.The development and strengthening of labor market capacity at the Czinka Panna Roma Cultural AssociationTÁMOP-2.6.2-12/1-2012-0255 | 2013.04.01.- 2014.03.31.
2012.11.01.Establishing the Volunteer Point and Services of the Mosonmagyaróvár sub-regionTÁMOP-5.5.2-11/2-2012-0010 | 2012.11.01. - 2013.10.31.
2012.06.01.The Family Resource Center, providing integrated services in the Győr Sub-RegionTÁMOP-5.5.1.B-11/2-2011-0237 | 2012.06.01. - 2014.01.31.
2010.10.01.The catch-up program for disadvantaged people in the Győr micro-regionTÁMOP-5.3.1-C-09/2-2010-0001 | 2010.10.01.–2012.05.31.
2010.09.01.Development and networking of Roma organizations in the sub-regions of Transdanubia (Dunántúl)TÁMOP-551/A-10/1-2010-0001 | 2010.09.01. – 2012.04.31.