Strasbourgi látogatás Járóka Lívia EP alelnökké választásakor
2017.11.15.Kaposvári Roma Szakkollégium Konferenciája
Strasbourg visit during the election of Lívia Járóka as EP Vice-President
On November 15, 2017, a historic moment was witnessed by the delegation of the Czinka Panna Roma Cultural Association in Strasbourg.
We had the opportunity to participate as the only Roma NGO from Hungary in the election of Lívia Járóka as Vice-President of the European Parliament. This was the first time such a high position was reached by a Hungarian Roma and we are incredibly proud !!! 🙂
Just a little extra information on the election; Unlike what the Hungarian press told, she was not the only candidate for the post, and even in the last hours before the election, her support kept changing from minute to minute.
We are happy that we had the opportunity to be there, mentally support Livia and be the first to congratulate her. We felt that our presence as a Hungarian Roma organization was important because it was a very big moment in the life of the Roma in Hungary and Europe. Congratulations once again and we wish you strength, endurance and good health for your work! 🙂